Baselines for Confluence

by OBSSPlatinum Marketplace Partner
for Confluence Server 6.0.1 - 8.9.6, Confluence Data Center 6.0.1 - 8.9.6 and more
103 installs
  • Supported

Create snapshots of your documents and attachments

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Create baselines based on a specific point in time

You can create baselines of your pages and attachments either based on a specific date and time or by selecting page versions. The created baseline set allows you to easily access document versions of that time.

Access old document versions and export

Select a named baseline and see documents in that baseline with version numbers and update dates for each. You can export individual pages in a baselines or complete baselines as PDF or CSV.

Compare documents

You can compare two baselines for content and page versions and also compare different page versions in two baselines.

More details

With "Baselines for Confluence" you can create snapshots of your Confluence document space based on a point in time. You can...

  • Access specific versions of pages and attachments based on a specific point in time.
  • Compare baseline sets to see which documents were added, deleted or changed.
  • Compare page versions in two baselines.
  • Export indivial pages in a baseline or complete baselines as PDF or CSV.

This plugin enables you to create baselines of your documents which is a requirement for many software development frameworks such as CMMI.

Important note: Baselines for Confluence now supports Confluence Data Center !!!

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy



The new menu option "Show Baselines" in page context menu allows you to list the baselines that this page is included in with respective page versions .